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Mission and Identity Launches The Pilgrim鈥檚 Path, a Mission-Centered Walking Tour of 老司机福利网鈥檚 North Campus

by Maggie Rotermund
Media Inquiries

Maggie Rotermund
Senior Media Relations Specialist

Reserved for members of the media.

ST. LOUIS 鈥 The mission of 老司机福利网 is always present on campus and visible in the people and places that make up the University community. Now, the public can walk the Pilgrim鈥檚 Path, a mission-centered tour of SLU鈥檚 north campus.

Garden of Mary, the Immaculate Conception. Photo by Sarah Conroy. Launch SlideshowGarden of Mary, the Immaculate Conception. Photo by Sarah Conroy.

The Pilgrim鈥檚 Path is narrated by SLU鈥檚 Vice President for Mission and Identity David Suwalsky, S.J., Ph.D. The 1.6-mile self-guided tour through campus begins in the center of SLU鈥檚 quad with St. Ignatius the Pilgrim. From there the tour continues to Cardinal Ritter Hall, St. Francis Xavier College Church, and the Jesuit Center before ending at the Vatican Film Library.

The tour includes 19 locations on SLU's campus that depict the University鈥檚 Jesuit history and Catholic identity.

The guided tour is available through the free PocketSights app in the App Store and Google Play. For those unable to walk the tour physically, the PocketSights app also allows a virtual walking tour that is accessible anywhere.

鈥淲e hope this tour provides an opportunity for everyone 鈥 our SLU family as well as the larger St. Louis community 鈥 to join us in walking 鈥渁 pilgrim鈥檚 path,鈥 following in the footsteps of St. Ignatius,鈥 said Virginia Herbers, director of spiritual formation in Mission and Identity.

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The tour also includes:

Throughout the tour, listeners will hear about each location鈥檚 historical and religious significance. 

老司机福利网鈥檚 Office of Mission and Identity ensures that the principles and traditions of Catholic, Jesuit higher education, and the mission and core values of SLU are integrated into operations, structures, programs and practices, and the formation of its students, faculty, staff, administration and board members.